Konni - unser Tausendsassa

At 76 years, Konni is our oldest brand ambassador and truly a thoroughbred biker. He spends weeks on his bike alone, in all weathers, exploring Europe. He loves the lonely roads with off-road character and the adventurous experiences in nature that come with it. So Konni sleeps in a hammock at night surrounded by roaring deer, rides at walking pace over gravel roads because the road suddenly ends in a bumpy mountain path without a turning point and is happy about the numerous nice acquaintances he makes on his tours.

Konni has his motorbikes - a 650 GS Twin and a Pan European - fully under control and is always testing his limits. During the motorbike break in winter, he keeps fit with skiing, hiking and walking and starts the season in spring with smaller tours.

The sprightly pensioner has already planned a two-month tour for summer 2021. It will take him through the vastness of Scandinavia and along the legendary Norwegian coastal road Trollstige to the North Cape and back. He is particularly looking forward to an off-road passage of almost 200 kilometres in the north of Finland and hopes to see many moose roaring along the roadside.

Here you can find some impressions from Konni's previous tours.